



Sandy Creek HS Band Boosters

Sandy Creek Band Booster Club (SCHS BB)

Why we exist

  • The SCHS BB is organized and operated for the charitable and educational purposes of Sandy Creek Band students.

Who are the members of the Club?

  • All parents, guardians, or other persons with a child in Sandy Creek High School band are voting members of the organization. The Principal, Assistant Principals, and band directors are non-voting, advisory members of the organization. 

What roles can members take to further the Club's mission?

  • The SCHS BB Executive Board consists of members who volunteered or were nominated to help guide the SCHS BB for a year-long term. Our next elections for the 2024-2025 year will occur at the April SCHS BB meeting on April 11, 2024.
  • Committee Chairs are members who volunteered to help drive the success of a particular fundraising campaign or area of need. 
  • Other volunteer role examples:
  • Help with serving, cashiering, setup, teardown, and other member roles at events
  • Chaperone to and from events
  • Assist with Marching Band logistics
  • Bring cookies/drinks to concert receptions
  • Donate other supplies as needed for events

How do I as a member express interest in helping?



  Eric Mason

Vice President

   Reginald Alexander


    LaShanta Taylor


   Atoria Godfrey


   Adrienne Alexander

   Dovie Vejarano

Volunteer Chair

   Mindy Walding

Concessions Chair

    Hannah Turner

Communications Chair

    Andrea Ferguson

Our Sponsors